The Fragile Bee I & II

Although Macko has a background in traditional printmaking, many of her current works make use of digital technology and photomanipulation.  Macko’s draws inspiration for her works from fellow artists and community members alike. This motif of intersectionality and feminism plays a  prominent role in the creation and exhibition of her art. This is most clearly seen in the evolution of her exhibit “The Bee Priestess” into “The Fragile Bee”--originally captivated by the lore of ancient matriarchal societies, Macko spoke with current matriarchs in Romania, and later paralleled those experiences with fantasies of the bee priestesses of mythology; from there, it was only a small step connect these stories of power and struggle to the current plight of bees due to Colony Collapse Disorder, and connect that struggle back to the oft-overlooked struggle of women who keep human society running.